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Enduring commitment: Progroup publishes Sustainability Report 2023

Landau, 25th July 2024 – Making the company more sustainable every single year – this is an integral part of Progroup's value framework. The Sustainability Report 2023 that is now being published documents the Landau-based family company's enduring commitment and makes its goals, measures and successes transparent.

In this latest sustainability report, Progroup documents its ecological, economic and social activities and goals. Photo source: Progroup

“2023 was a challenging year from an economic perspective, not just for our industry, which is closely linked to gross domestic product. I'm delighted that, despite this general climate, we have managed to record positive results in many aspects. We're convinced that we are on the right path, but we also know that we still have a long way to go,” explains CEO Maximilian Heindl.

Construction of the second waste-to-energy plant
One of the highly visible measures when it comes to sustainability is the start of construction work on the new waste-to-energy plant in Sandersdorf-Brehna. The project alongside the existing PM3 paper factory has made significant progress in the last year. It is an important element of the circular economy and Progroup's comprehensive decarbonisation strategy. The power plant, which is scheduled to start operating in summer 2025, will help to further reduce the company’s emissions, especially when combined with a CO2 capture and use concept that is set to be developed.

The example of Eisenhüttenstadt demonstrates how successful this concept is in practice: Progroup’s paper factory there is connected to a waste-to-energy plant that supplies the energy needed for production – and does so by utilising rejects. These are waste materials that originate, among other places, from the company’s own paper production and would otherwise need to be disposed of. This allows Progroup not only to reduce the use of fossil fuels, but also to conserve resources and embrace the circular economy in its production.

State-of-the-art technologies to deliver sustainability
The family-run company has been implementing a number of measures and projects to save resources for many years. The consistently applied strategy of always embracing the latest technologies in the production of containerboard and corrugated board sheets is particularly beneficial here. In 2023, the company managed to achieve further successes in this area: For example, within one year, Progroup reduced its specific consumption of fresh water, measured in m³ per tonne of total output (containerboard and corrugated board sheets), from 2.15 to 2.02 m3. The percentage of kraftliner paper made from fresh fibres in production was also reduced from 12% in 2022 to just 11% in 2023.

Board promotes development
As well as the ecological component, the Landau-based company also focuses on social and economic aspects. This is reflected not least in the new make-up of the Board, which now has four members. The addition of Beate Flamm and Dr. Marc Sesterhenn to the company's executive decision-making body clearly underlines how the company is evolving. Alongside CEO Maximilian Heindl, the three other members will use their particular skills to consistently drive forward development to deliver even more sustainability. Beate Flamm is responsible for the company's commitment to social causes, Dr. Marc Sesterhenn is responsible for the ecological aspect, and Dr. Volker Metz has responsibility for the economic component.

Attractive employer and committed to social causes
Sustainable business development with a focus on growth can only be achieved with committed, well-trained employees. Progroup does everything it can to recruit employees, train them and retain them over the long term. In return, the company offers secure, attractive jobs with international career prospects and numerous opportunities for further training and development through the Progroup Campus.

Progroup cooperates with regional organisations at all its sites and as a “corporate citizen” it supports charitable projects – especially with children and young people. The institutions it supports include Wi-Wa-Wunderland e. V. in Eisenhüttenstadt, the multi-generational house in Offenbach an der Queich and the Bitterfeld-Wolfen-Gräfenhainichen Social Welfare Association.  ​

The full report containing all the company's facts and figures is available here.


About Progroup

Progroup AG, based in Landau, Germany, is one of the leading manufacturers of containerboard and corrugated board in Europe. Since it was founded in 1991 in Offenbach/Queich, the company has been pursuing a consistent growth strategy which, in addition to technological leadership, is also based on the use of innovative and environmentally friendly production technologies. Progroup operates production sites in six countries in Central Europe. These currently include three paper mills, thirteen corrugated sheetfeeder plants, a logistics company and awaste-to-energy plant. The company's second power plant is currently under construction at Sandersdorf-Brehna near Leipzig. With more than 1,720 employees, the company generated revenue of around 1.3 billion euros in 2023.

Press contact

Bernhard Schenk
Senior Communications Manager
E-mail: bernhard.schenk*Den Text zwischen den * loeschen, dies ist ein Spamschutz*@progroup.ag
Mobile: +49 172 315 8796

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