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Progroup sponsors the innovative sponsorship project “Bananenflanke Südpfalz”

- Progroup becomes premium sponsor of Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V.
- The company is thus supporting the inclusion of young people who need support

Landau, 20 April 2021 – Progroup is committed to the education and training of children and young people. The successful manufacturer of containerboard and corrugated board sheets is supporting, as premium sponsor, the club Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz (e.V.). This is an innovative football project specifically for children with a mental handicap. At Progroup’s site in Landau, Maximilian Heindl, Chief Development Officer and member of the Board of Progroup, and Stefan Schmitzer, Chairman of the club, have now signed the agreement.

Maximilian Heindl, Chief Development Officer and member of the Progroup Executive Board, and Stefan Schmitzer, Chairman of the Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V. association, are pleased with the new jerseys for the team (from left to right)..
Maximilian Heindl, Chief Development Officer and member of the Progroup Executive Board, and Stefan Schmitzer, Chairman of the Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V. association, are pleased with the new jerseys for the "Progroup Black Bananas." team (from left to right). Photo: Progroup

“Football provides a wonderful opportunity to learn and embrace positive qualities such as team spirit, ambition or even simply the joy of physical exercise. The enthusiasm and enjoyment that the children and young adults display when playing football prompted us to volunteer to provide sponsorship for Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V.,” said Maximilian Heindl, Chief Development Officer and member of the Board of Progroup, during the signing of the sponsorship agreement.

Stefan Schmitzer, Chairman of the club Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V., added: “We are very grateful for this financial support. The club Team Bananenflanke Südpfalz e.V. looks after and trains a total of 50 children and young adults at the ground of Fortuna Billigheim and in Herxheim at the St. Paulus Stift facility. Club trainers and coaches from various football clubs work to support our four teams. Training and looking after these four teams is a really wonderful thing to do.”

One of the four teams will now feature the company in its name: The Progroup Black Bananas.The players in the Progroup Black Bananas team are between 10 and 25 years of age. The highlights of the club’s sporting year are three tournaments which are referred to as “matchdays”. This is when the players of the individual teams compete against each other several times. The date for the next matchday has not yet been decided. It will be announced among other places on the club’s Facebook page at facebook.com/BananenflankeSuedpfalz. As part of the sponsorship, it will be known as the Progroup matchday.

About Progroup

Progroup AG, based in Landau, Germany, is one of the leading manufacturers of containerboard and corrugated board in Europe. Since it was founded in 1991 in Offenbach/Queich, the company has been pursuing a consistent growth strategy which, in addition to technological leadership, is also based on the use of innovative and environmentally friendly production technologies. Progroup operates production sites in six countries in Central Europe. These currently include three paper mills, thirteen corrugated sheetfeeder plants, a logistics company and awaste-to-energy plant. The company's second power plant is currently under construction at Sandersdorf-Brehna near Leipzig. With more than 1,720 employees, the company generated revenue of around 1.3 billion euros in 2023.

Press contact

Bernhard Schenk
Senior Communications Manager
E-mail: bernhard.schenk*Den Text zwischen den * loeschen, dies ist ein Spamschutz*@progroup.ag
Mobile: +49 172 315 8796

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